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Showing posts from January, 2019

Our muddled relationship with race

'March against Racism' rally in London (Image: When politicians and councillors in power come up with a plan to invest billions of pounds in rebuilding communities, they do it with the best intentions. Take a look at London these past 20 years, for instance. Shoreditch, Stratford, Croydon and Greenwich are completely transformed, bringing businesses of all sizes and sectors into areas once seen as crime hotspots. The problems in the areas I mentioned above largely originate from social inequality, leading to many living in poverty and endure lifestyles that are proven dangerous and tragic. The finger-pointing around these circumstances expose unwelcome stereotyping aimed at both the victim and perpetrators. While we'd love the media to talk about the process, or journey, to how such incidents occur, the reality is that they will put emphasis on the skin colour of both parties, their current employment status and counting the number of GCSEs they didn...

Adopting US voting system 2.0

Action from one of many anti-government protests in Westminster (Image: Who represents the Conservative Party? How many Labour Parties are there currently in the Houses of Parliament? The Liberal what? Right now, the British party system is in crisis, and however way the UK leaves the European Union, the three main Westminster groups will never be the same. It's difficult to really get to the bottom this mess. The Conservatives start 2019 on the sourest of notes. The recent EU deal vote totally humiliated Prime Minister Theresa May and has completely split the Tories. Regardless of how the vote went, the Party's MPs who want Britain to Remain in the EU are fearing the worst and think their former allies - the Tory 'Brexiteers' - are to blame. Meanwhile, the Leave MPs from the Conservatives think May's days are numbered and this vote only will strengthen their current stance. The problem with the Tory Leave campaigners' wish is that their...