Gun crime statistics, provided by LBC I'm sick of hearing about widespread violence on the news day in, day out. It's happening far too often now and it's being highlighted with greater emphasis. These past two months alone has seen mass-murders in Orlando where dozens were killed in a nightclub; in Nice, a man took a lorry and ran over hundreds during Bastille Day, a short week after; a deadly failed coup in Turkey claimed more lives. And as I write this, Munich are in the mourning process after multiple shoppers were needlessly killed on a casual Friday afternoon. These four particular atrocities have something significant in common - the culprits used a rifle of some sort to shorten the lives of hundreds and cause emotional pain for thousands more. I'm not a believer in coincidence, and I'm not the sort who goes out of my way in actively agreeing with Piers Morgan. However, when I absorb the news and hear these tragedies, I cannot help but think that...