David Cameron has sent his troops to Libya. After an agreement with the UN, UK as well as other countries like France and United States will "try to defeat and get rid of Colonel Gaddafi". Doesn't that remind you of someone? *Coughs* Tony Blair and Iraq *coughs* Sorry, my throat needs clearing. Seriously though, David Cameron has made a big mistake and as soon as the British troops have only just gone out of Iraq. The cuts which Cameron made seems to make up for this "war". This is no "War on Terror" which Tony Blair and George Bush created but Cameron's intentions is to get Gaddafi's leadership/dictatorship to end. Will it happen? If they manage to kill him like what Blair did to Saddam Hussein then maybe. Gaddafi won't resign that easily. Let's look at the "positives". It is legal, unlike the Iraq war. Other countries have agreed to "fight for democracy" and all that tosh but they aren't doing unlawfully. Ok, n...