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Showing posts from February, 2025

Social media: welcome regulation, or die

Mark Zuckerberg (left) and Elon Musk (right) (Image: NY Post) I am feeling bold by sharing a prediction I've had in my mind up until recently - unless the social media chiefs clean up their act, by 2030, their channels will be no more. No more Facebook, X or TikTok to spend minutes upon minutes to scroll endless videos, news stories and other updates. At present, supposedly billions of us around the world dedicate our spare time to subconsciously checking our phones for social media notifications. I'm suggesting that the days of doing this are numbered. I make this prediction with a heavy heart. When it was first coined about 25 years ago, 'Web 2.0' - or 'social web' to some - was actually a very good idea - connecting with loved ones in an instant, no matter how far away or close by they are, as well as keeping up-to-date with what's going on with the world without having to spend precious pennies on a newspaper. Everything you wanted on your fingertips. I...