More dark days lay ahead for Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May (Image: I love a good publicity stunt. Being in the PR industry for over six years, I've been involved in a few myself. Doing them gives me the urge in wanting to do more, and create an even bigger impact as the previous one had. But with these stunts (or campaigns), you get two primary types of reactive sounds from the vocal public - either an 'ooh', or 'ugh'. With that in mind, you can imagine my reaction when I heard about two campaigns launched this past week or so - one to do with a cross-bench rebellion to form a new political movement and the other about a girl's vision to return back to the UK after four years in Syria with notorious terrorism group ISIS (or whatever they call themselves). I'd like to start analysing the first story I mentioned here. The rumours had been rife, over the past couple of years, of certain MPs not being happy with the direction their part...