Guy's Hospital, London Bridge (Image: Earlier this week, I had an operation. It wasn't a major one but the day as a whole was such an intriguing experience, I feel I had to share my experience. It is worth noting that my operation was done under the NHS. The National Health Service, has been under massive scrutiny of late. You see in the news every day about them failing someone - whether it was diagnosing someone of cancer too late to cure them, or if a young child will suffer from a particular disability for the rest of their life after a blunder from the health service. The coverage they have received has been negative and if they had anything positive to say about the NHS that would be silenced by a scandal in a particular hospital. The negative publicity never put me off the NHS. I have relied on them from day one of my life and they have very rarely let me down. I have been lucky not to have broken a bone in my body and therefore not have relie...