After 120 episodes spanning 11 years, BBC One hit situation comedy My Family reaches its final hurdle this Friday evening. BBC One Programme Controller, Danny Cohen said the channel are searching for a new generation of comedies which will created a similar impact.
"Now that all the Harper children have fled the nest we feel it's time to make room for new comedies on BBC One. I can confirm that the eleventh series, coming to BBC One later this year, will be the last," Danny Cohen, March 2011
Ben and Susan Harper, along with their children, Michael, Janey and up until series five, Nick are the well-known faces we are going to miss seeing on the occasional Friday nights. Robert Lindsay and Zoe Wanamaker have made their impact on the small screen as well as theatre appearances which made them the big stars they are today and I'm sure Daniela Denby-Ashe (Janey), Gabriel Thomson (Michael) and even Tayler Marshall (who played Janey's son Kenzo) have a big futu...